Category: Sermons

  • May 24, 2020

    E7A 2020 John 17:1-11 This week I was going through boxes, and I found several greeting cards from a member of my first parish.  They were cards for different occasions, […]

  • May 10, 2020

    E5A 2020 John 14:1-14 This has been an interesting last week or so. We are still, of course, living through the strange new world of the pandemic. That was probably […]

  • May 3, 2020

    Easter 4A 2020 John 10:1-10 You may have noticed from the opening hymn, the psalm, and the gospel that today is Good Shepherd Sunday, when God’s people are pictured as […]

  • April 26, 2020

    Easter 3A 2020 Luke 24:13-35 It must be because I spent too many years in school, either as a student or a teacher, but I more often conceptualize time according […]

  • April 19, 2020

    Easter 2A (COVID-19 QUARANTINE, WEEK 6) John 20:19-31 This is Camp Sunday, so I’m wearing an official camp t-shirt, but for a few of the years I worked at Sequanota […]

  • Easter Sunday

    Easter A 2020 (Corona Quarantine) Matthew 28:1-10 Let’s just take a moment, right now in the middle of the most bizarre Easter Sunday I bet any of us have ever […]

  • Easter Vigil 2020

    Easter Vigil Proclamation of the Resurrection 2020 Coronavirus Quarantine Had we been together and had we read all of the traditional scripture for tonight, we would have read about: Our […]

  • Maundy Thursday 2020

    Maundy Thursday 2020 John 13:1-17, 31b-35 I am particularly grieved that we cannot be physically together this evening, because our remembrance of this gospel story is usually such a sensory […]

  • March 29, 2020

    L5A 2020 (Third Sunday of Corona Quarantine): Ezekiel 37:1-14 A few months ago a friend and I had a discussion that was a little bit theology and a little bit […]

  • March 22, 2020

    L3A 2020 John 4:5-42 This is surely the strangest sermon I’ve ever preached, or at least the strangest circumstances in which I’ve preached. In preparation for today, I was thinking […]